
The following provides information on the activities, structures or works that can be selected for your application


Activity, Structure or Works



Advertising Signs and Devices


An advertising device means any billboard, poster, footway or real estate signs, hand bill, placard, notice or sign and the advertising structure to which such advertisement is affixed to, painted on, or supported by. Refer to Roadside Advertising Manual. This includes temporary event advertising.


A beehive means a human-made receptacle for the housing living bees.

Bridges, Culverts, other overhead structures and tunnels

Bridges - private bridge developments.   Monorail - A single rail serving as a track for passenger or freight vehicles. In most cases a monorail is elevated. Vehicles are either suspended from or straddle a narrow guide way.

Burning Off

The use of fire to reduce vegetation. For information visit

Cane Rail

Rail infrastructure used to transport sugar cane, located in a state-controlled road.

Conducting a Business

The commercial supply of goods or services from a place on the footpath or road side. For example, a market, café or roadside vending.

Construction or Demolition Activities. 

The activity of constructing or demolishing a building or infrastructure, whether permanent or temporary.


Extracting, crushing, sorting or grading natural resources, excavation, filling, the removal or movement of earth, stone or mineral, or drilling or boring the ground surface using any method or for any purpose.

Election Signs

Election sign means any advertising device in the form of a portable sign identifying candidates standing at local, state or federal government elections.

Electricity Works

Works proposal for inspection, installation, maintenance / repair, alteration, upgrade or replacement, decommissioning and/or removal works by an electricity entity, which is a distribution, transmission or generation entity under the Electricity Act 1994 (qld) or specific works the electricity entity request to be carried out by their agent/contractor.

Electricity Emergency Works

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by an electricity supplier after the works have been undertaken. An electricity entity is a distribution, transmission or generation entity under the Electricity Act 1994 (Qld). Electricity works  operations are regulated by the Electricity Act 1994 in the State-controlled road.

Electricity - Solar Panels or Wind generation

Panels used for the collection of sunlight to produce energy or structures used to convert wind to energy. 


The act of looking or searching for minerals, stones or other materials.

Gas Distribution Works

Notice of works undertaken for the inspection, installation, maintenance / repair, alteration, upgrade or replacement, decommissioning and/or removal works by a Gas Distributor - pipeline which transports processed natural gas as part of a reticulation system within a processed natural gas market, or a single point-to-point pipeline to a specific commercial or industrial facility - regulated under the Gas Supply Act 2003 in the State-controlled road.

Gas Distribution Network Emergency Works

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by a gas distributor after the works have been undertaken. A distribution pipeline transports processed natural gas as part of a reticulation system within a processed natural gas market, or a single point-to-point pipeline to a specific commercial or industrial facility. It does not include a transmission gas pipeline. Distribution gas works are operations regulated under the Gas Supply Act 2003 in the State-controlled road.

Gas - Transmission Gas (Activity or Works on Existing Asset)

A Transmission pipeline is a pipeline operated, or to be operated, for the primary purpose of conveying processed natural gas directly to a market after it has been processed, whether or not it is subsequently processed or reprocessed. The Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 - provides provisions for petroleum and gas authorities working in public land, including state controlled road corridors.

Gas - Transmission Gas Emergency Works

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by a transmission gas pipeline owner after the works have been undertaken. A Transmission pipeline is a pipeline operated, or to be operated, for the primary purpose of conveying processed natural gas directly to a market after it has been processed, whether or not it is subsequently processed or reprocessed. The Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 - provides provisions for petroleum and gas authorities working in public land, including state controlled road corridors.

Gas - Transmission Gas Installation

A Transmission pipeline is a pipeline operated, or to be operated, for the primary purpose of conveying processed natural gas directly to a market after it has been processed, whether or not it is subsequently processed or reprocessed. The Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 - provides provisions for petroleum and gas authorities working in public land, including state controlled road corridors.


An activity that may be organised by the community and other organisations, to discuss a broad range of issues. This does not include demonstrations or marches, that may require a permit from the police.

Mail Boxes

Any structure or receptacle used for the delivery of official or unofficial post and deliveries.

Mining Installation

Works proposal for inspection, installation, maintenance / repair, alteration, upgrade or replacement, decommissioning and/or removal works by a mining company for mining purposes. Mining is regulated under the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 which provides provisions for mining entities working in public land, including state controlled road corridors.

Mining (Activity or Works on Existing Asset )

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by a mining company after the works have been undertaken. Mining is regulated under the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 which provides provisions for mining entities working in public land, including state controlled road corridors.  

Memorials or Statues

An activity to erect and maintain a structure to commemorate a person or a major event.
Current Roadside Memorials on State-controlled roads policy states that TMR's preferred form of roadside memorial is white crosses. Where a white cross is not considered appropriate, and if requested by a sponsor, the department may consider the installation of a plaque at ground level.

Neighbourhood Watch Signs

Neighbourhood Watch signs means an advertising device informing road users that a Neighbourhood Watch Program, organised and supported by the community in order to reduce crime, is active in the residential or rural area. The signs bears the legend NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AREA and includes the Policy Service logo and other symbol legends, but no other material.

Other Activity or Structure Type

Any other activity or structure not included in another listed category.

Other works allowed by legislation to be in the road

Works proposal for inspection, installation, maintenance / repair, alteration, upgrade or replacement, decommissioning and/or removal works by an organisation where a local, state or federal act states that the entity has a right to install and operate assets in the road (and does not fall into electricity, gas, telecommunications, water, waste water or mining), then this category can be used. 
Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by an an entity who is entitled to install and operate assets in the road after the works have been undertaken.Where a local, state or federal act states that the entity has a right to install and operate assets in the road (and does not fall into electricity, gas, telecommunications, water, waste water or mining), then this category can be used.

Painting and Graffiti Removal

The activity of painting any temporary or permanent structure or thing of any size and made of any material, or any activity for the purpose of removing graffiti.

Paths or Bikeways

A path of any form or type of construction used by pedestrians, cyclists or any type of vehicle, other than the main travelled way of the State-controlled road.

Pipes and Tanks (not for water)

Pipes, tanks  of any size and made of any material used for any purpose other than the movement or storage of water.

Poles, Lighting, Gates, Fences or Cables

Any structure that is a pole, post or tower, cables, conduit, lighting or supports lighting, fencing, or gate whether permanent or temporary.  Does not include fences and gates for stock control (refer Stock).   

Pumps, Bowsers and charging stations

Any type of pump, including fuel bowsers and charging stations, used to provide energy or movement of a liquid other than water.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Any powered device flown over a State-controlled road where the pilot is not located in the craft.

Rest Area Facilities

Infrastructure provided at designated Rest Areas.

Retaining Walls, Stays and Structural Anchors

A retaining wall holds back solid material such as rock or earth.  Stays and anchors hold infrastructure and other major structures in place to maintain engineering integrity.

Road Safety Related Activities

An activity that promotes or assists with road safety outcomes, including driver reviver sites such as rest areas.

Rubbish and Rubbish Bins

A receptacle or pit built of any material used for the temporary or permanent collection and/or retainment of rubbish or unwanted items.


Any structure which protrudes over State-controlled road land and is supported by a structure outside the State-controlled road.

Sporting Activities and Events

Sporting activities could be a wide range of planned events for example marathons, bicycle events and fun runs. They do not include activities by individuals. A permit may be issued by police for events.

Stock - Grazing of Stock

The grazing or holding of stock in a temporarily fenced area on a State-controlled road.

Stock - Grids or Other Stock Facilities

Any of the following infrastructure:
*  a stock watering facility
*  a stock holding yard, loading ramp or enclosure
*  a water crossing for use by travelling stock
*  a gate, grid or signage to assist moving or confining stock
*  a fence, other than a boundary fence.

Stock - Moving of Stock

To move stock on hoof on a State-controlled road, such as droving.

Telecommunications Carrier Works

Works proposal under the Land Access and Activity Notification requirements for  low-impact activities including Inspection, Installation, Maintenance (including repair, alteration, upgrade or replacement, decommissioning and/or removal) works by a Carrier.  The process and works agreement to undertake low-impact activities in the State-controlled road is regulated under the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cwth) and must be undertaken by a nominated carrier. Permission to undertake works outside of Schedule 3 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cwth) is regulated under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 (Qld).

Telecommunications Emergency Works

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by a Carrier after the works have been undertaken.The process and works agreement to undertake low-impact activities in the State-controlled road is regulated under the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cwth) and must be undertaken by a nominated carrier. Permission to undertake works outside of Schedule 3 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cwth) is regulated under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 (Qld).

Tourist, Service & Welcome Signs

Tourist signs indicate non-commercial and commercial attractions of tourist interest. Service signs indicate commercial and non-commercial services available to road users adjacent to the road, along a side road or reached via an exit ramp. Welcome signs are designed to introduce the road traveller to a specific area and provide an easily identifiable milestone marker in the journey. Refer to

Traffic Control

Means the services of a Traffic Management Company, registered under the Traffic Management Registration Scheme,  to perform any required lane closures and traffic control upon the State-controlled roads nominated.

Vegetation - Planting, management or removal of vegetation 

Landscaping and planting, the removal, harvesting or cutting of vegetation including slashing or bailing. Does not include the removal of vegetation by the use of fire (burning off). Refer to TMR Landscape Manual.

Water and Waste Water Works (Local Government)

Works proposal for inspection, installation, maintenance / repair, alteration, upgrade or replacement, decommissioning and/or removal works by a a local government water authority. The Local Government Act 2009 and Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 (Qld) grant water authorities provisional rights install and operate in the state controlled road.

Water and Sewerage Emergency Works (Local Government Water)

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by a water authority after the works have been undertaken.The Local Government Act 2009, Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 (Qld) grants water authorities provisional rights install and operate in the state controlled road.

Water and Waste Water Works (SEQ Water Act)

Works proposal for inspection, installation, maintenance / repair, alteration, upgrade or replacement, decommissioning and/or removal works by a a retail-distributor water authorities. The South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 grants south east Queensland retail-distributors provisional rights to install and operate water and waste water (sewage) activities in the State-controlled road.

Water and Sewerage Emergency Works (SEQ Water)

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by a retailer-distributor after the works have been undertaken. The South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 grants south east Queensland retail-distributors provisional rights to install and operate water and waste water (sewage) activities in the State-controlled road.

Water - Bores, Wells, Pumps, Windmills, Viaducts, Tanks, Dams, Channels and Culverts

Water Infrastructure associated with agriculture, or the storage, collection and transport of water. Viaducts and dams are usually associated with the catchment, storage and transport of water. Water tanks are normally smaller structures.

Water - Bulk Water Works

Works proposal for inspection, installation, maintenance / repair, decommissioning and/or removal works by a bulk water supplier. Bulk water suppliers such as Seqwater and Sun Water are not public utilities. The supply of bulk water involves large investments in infrastructure such as dams, treatment plants and manufactured water assets that serve a large number of users.

Water - Bulk Water Emergency Works

Notice of works undertaken in an emergency by a bulk water supplier after the works have been undertaken. Bulk water suppliers such as Seqwater and Sun Water are not public utilities. The supply of bulk water involves large investments in infrastructure such as dams, treatment plants and manufactured water assets that serve a large number of users.